Friday 25 March 2011

Evaluation question 7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the final product?

I have completed both my primary and final projects and from this experience I have learned a whole deal about magazines. i have learned that there is a lot of thought when it comes designing a magazine, the design half is equally important as the information that is in the magazine.
i have also realised how difficult it is to target demographically and psycographically. the design part of the magazine is what causes the magazine to be noticed.
comparing my first project to my final one i have improved on my image editing and my design capabilities. i am pleased to look back on my work and see my improvement.

Evaluation question 4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

The age range my magazine is aimed at is teenagers between the ages of 15 to 20. the people in this age range are most likely to begin partying and are continuing their partying, also the people that are in this age group are students. this means that they will fit into the lowest demographic group 'E'. The grope E consists of mostly students and unemployed adults. the magazine also attracts the ages of 15-20 because of the images of the effect that is used. The image attracts this age group because it relates to them as they are part of the youthful generation, and the young are up for exploring new things.

Evaluation question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Photoshop was the primary program I used for the whole project. I used Photoshop to edit the images i used in the project. Photoshop helped me create the effects I used on the images.

I also used fireworks
Fireworks was one of the programs I used to create my work. It helped with my images. That was the only purpose for me using fireworks. I discovered fireworks couldn't help me with what I wanted to do i moved on to Adobe Photoshop.

The camera was a vital part of the coursework as it let me take high quality pictures.
without my camera I wouldn't have been able to complete this project.
the camera was used with programs such as fireworks and photoshop.

Evaluation question 3: What kind of media institution might distribute your media product?

I believe that IPC media would be the best choice for distributing my magazine. Despite being the UK's largest magazine distribution company selling many mainstream magazine titles, IPC media focuses on niche magazines. this is good because the magazine I created will benefit from this distribution company.

Evaluation question 2 :How does your media product represent particular social groups.

My magazine is based on dub-step. Dub-step is a niche market so the people that will be interested in this genre are people that would be called 'explorers' the reason for this is because they are brave enough to try new things. Dub-step is a genre that requires a acquired taste, so the audience to dub-step need to be able to have the mental ability to accept new things. People that listen to dub-step would most likely be young people as they are in the sense to party will listen to this music genre.

Evaluation Question 1: In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My group decided to choose the genre of Dub-step. We conducted research on magazines that focused on Dub-Step but we couldn't find any, the reason for this is because Dub-step isn't a well known genre. it has been an upcoming genre for the past 2 years.

Because my magazine will focus on Dub-step I decided that it should have unique and similar conventions to other magazines. An example of this would be a magazine designed to show Hip-Hop using a graffiti font to show its background.

So for my magazine to do this, I had to pick out a typical element of dupstep which I could link back to with my magazine so chose to focused on the wildness of the genre.

From looking at the front cover, the audience can immediately see the image and the colour scheme of black , the colour black represents the boldness of the genre as black is seen a bold colour. I chose blue because blue is seen as a masculine colour and my magazine is targeted at men, and white because it is a pure colour and it can be changed into anything just like dub-step . If my magazine was to be sold I believe that it would attract people to look at I believe that the front cover would stand out to the audience due to this different image colour scheme.The front cover uses similar conventions to a regular magazine but I believe it still tells the audience what it is designed to do.

Starting off with the articles, you can see that they are in list form which is a very common convention within existing magazines. The contents page uses common conventions such as an image and what is on the pages.

As you can see, my double page spread is quite uncommon where one page is mainly images and the other is mainly text. my double page spread is unique because it consists of one main image and text. the reason for this is so that the audience can concentrate on the article rather than concentrate on the magazine.

Thursday 24 March 2011

process of creation

I started using the program publisher to create my magazine, but I then realised that the program was very simple to use so I moved on to an advanced program. The program I then used was fire works. The reason for me changing to fire works was because I used the program to design my previous magazine cover. So I found it reliable. Fire works helped me with the images I used for my front cover and contents and double page spread fire works helped me trim the images of the things I didn’t need. From fire works I moved to adobe Photoshop and created my final magazine. I moved the images from fire-works that I edited and put the on Photoshop. Photoshop helped me edit my images to the next level as you van see in the image. The effect of the images that I used couldn’t be done with macromedia fire-works.

I am happy with the program I used as I believe it helped me fulfil the vision I wanted for my magazine, although I used fireworks to crop my images I used Photoshop to create my backgrounds and my text. On my front page I used a website called Dafont and downloaded different font styles, which I used to create the title of my magazine and the contents page and the double page spreads title.